First Sunday of Advent, December 18th, 2024
Before we worship, let's pray that God would fill the spirits of all who worship, renewing us, enlightening us, and giving us zeal. Pray also that anyone who does not yet trust God's promise of salvation through Jesus and trust Jesus as his/her Savior would do so today.
Gracious God, You have brought me, a sinner, into Your kingdom through Your grace.
O Lord, continue to restore me in Your image . . .
deepening and broadening my "knowledge" of You
so that I know You more and more intimately . . . .
giving me knowledge and understanding of Your will as written in Your word
and giving me an ever-increasing desire and ability to do Your will.
May Your unchanging grace strengthen my faith, my love, and my zeal. Amen.
Old Testament Reading Psalm 126: 1‑6
Epistle Reading 1 John 3: 1-3
Holy Gospel Luke 17: 20-30
Sermon "Reasons for Hope and Faith”